The Mind of a Trainer – Do They Play Favorites?

The Mind of a Trainer – Do They Play Favorites?

When it comes to working with a personal trainer, one may wonder if they have a favorite client. After all, trainers spend hours every week with their clients, creating a unique bond and understanding of each individual’s abilities and goals. It’s inevitable that certain clients may be more enjoyable to work with or show more progress, but is this a valid reason for trainers to play favorites?

The Role of a Trainer

Before we delve into this question, it’s important to understand the role of a trainer. A personal trainer is not just a fitness expert – they are also motivators, counselors, and educators. Their primary focus is to guide clients towards achieving their fitness goals while ensuring their safety and well-being. Trainers are dedicated to tailoring training programs specifically to each client’s needs and abilities.

When a trainer works with a client, they invest their time and effort into helping them succeed. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that trainers have favorites. Rather, they are more likely to develop a closer relationship with certain clients due to various factors.

Clients’ Effort and Attitude

One key factor influencing a trainer’s relationship with their clients is effort and attitude. Clients who consistently show dedication, enthusiasm, and a positive mindset are likely to receive extra attention and support from their trainers. The more engaged and motivated a client is, the easier it is for a trainer to work with them and help them achieve their goals.

On the other hand, clients who display a lack of effort, negativity, or a constant desire to cut corners may not receive the same level of encouragement. Trainers are professionals who strive to bring out the best in their clients, but they cannot force someone to put in the work. It is only natural for trainers to dedicate more energy and time to those who are committed to their own progress.

Progress and Success

Trainers thrive on seeing their clients make progress and achieve their goals. Witnessing someone transform their body, increase their strength, or improve their overall fitness level is incredibly fulfilling for both the client and trainer. These moments of success motivate both parties and can strengthen the bond between them.

It’s important to note that progress is not solely measured by physical changes. Client success can also be seen in their attitude towards exercise, their ability to stick to a routine, or in achieving a personal milestone. Trainers are likely to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when their clients succeed, which may reinforce their relationship and make them more invested in their progress.

Compatibility and Personal Connection

Trainers work with individuals from all walks of life, and like in any relationship, personal compatibility plays a significant role. If a trainer and client share similar interests, values, or communication styles, it is only natural that they would develop a stronger bond. This connection can make the training sessions more enjoyable and productive for both parties.

However, a personal connection should not be confused with favoritism. Trainers are trained professionals who understand the importance of treating all clients equally and providing the same level of attention and support. While they may have a closer relationship with certain clients, this should not impact their professionalism or commitment to helping all clients reach their goals.


In answering the question of whether trainers play favorites, it is evident that while trainers may naturally develop closer relationships with some clients, this does not translate to favoritism. Trainers base their approach on factors such as clients’ effort, attitude, progress, and personal compatibility. Ultimately, trainers are dedicated to providing all clients with the same level of attention and support to help them achieve their fitness goals.